Furry Friend Gallery These are the many adventures of our fury friends (well mainly Percy penguin) but the others do get pictures taken every now and then. Percy with a HUGE fish and chips Fury friends lunch time... Stow away Percy 20140516_213352 20160214_130144 Percy and his birthday cookie Trouble Another flight, passport in flipper. Percy in best penguin suit Percy travels Hmmm Just a coke, no Rum at all.... Percy reading the safety card before the flight. Watching the Human League Another flight, time for beer Tipsy Sunbathing on his own beach towel Sunbathing on his own beach towel IMG_0520 All tucked up after a busy day Time for a nice glass of wine Another cocktail IMG_0112 IMG_0115 Chilled Cocktail time Percy in hospital IMG_0195 IMG_0225 IMG_0246 « ‹ of 2 › »